DalpHi DE

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BV Cert. 6150814


DalpHi | Kostengünstige Schalungssysteme mit Aluminiumplatten



Kostengünstig und leistungsfähig - Das Deckenschalungssystem
DalpHi kann für alle Arten von Bauprojekten eingesetzt werden: Büros,
Wohngebäude, Alten- und Pflegeheime, Justizvollzugsanstalten und vieles mehr.
Durch seine Anwendung wird eine Produktivität von 25 m2 pro Person und Tag erreicht.
Dank seiner Bestandteile aus Aluminium ist DalpHi eines der leichtesten auf dem Markt erhältlichen Schalungssysteme .
Der in die Stütze integrierte Fallkopf (patentiertes Alphi-System) ist ein Sicherheitsgarant beim Ausschalen.

Parkhaus der
Entbindungsstation des Krankenhauses
Kunde: Bouygues
Ort: Chambéry


DalpHi | Kostengünstige Schalungssysteme mit Aluminiumplatten

BV Cert. 6150814

Dans la boutique

EscalibMDS GB
EscalibMDS GB
13/07/2024 - www.alphi.fr
SAFETY SAFETY | PRODUCTIVITY | SIMPLICITY | QUALITY WORKSITE SPIRAL STAIRCASE WITH SIDE EXIT Escalib MDS | Worksite spiral staircase with side exit 2 SAFETY Escalib MDS (safe assembly and disassembly) is a metal spiral staircase with side exit. The triangular step then acts as a landing. Simply arrange Escalib MDS by rotating by a quarter-turn so that one of the steps is aligned with the slab to be served. It is formed from a base, 1 to 8 modules that are easy to stack with a crane...

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13/07/2024 - www.alphi.fr
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MaxiDalle GB
MaxiDalle GB
13/07/2024 - www.alphi.fr
FORMWORK PRODUCTIVITY | QUALITY | SAFETY | ERGONOMICS BV Cert. 6150814 THE EXTRA-LARGE FORMWORK PANEL MaxiDalle | The extra-large formwork panel 2 FORMWORK The MaxiDalle range is a panel-type formwork system for large cells. The high-performance system is capable of supporting a concrete slab of up to 50 cm in thickness. Simple: MaxiDalle comprises a single prop head for all assembly configurations and a formwork panel that comes in four sizes. A snap-on joint provides complete sealing...

DalpHi EN
DalpHi EN
13/07/2024 - www.alphi.fr
FORMWORK SAVINGS | ADAPTABILITY | LIGHT WEIGHT BV Cert. 6150814 ECONOMICAL ALUMINIUM SLAB FORMWORK DalpHi | Economical aluminium slab formwork 2 FORMWORK The economical, high-performance DalpHi floor formwork system suits all types of buildings: offices, housing residential care homes, correction facilities, etc. It can be installed at a productivity rate of 25 m2/person/day. Its aluminium components make it one of the most lightweight formwork systems on the market. The drop-head integrated...

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13/07/2024 - www.alphi.fr
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TourA120 GB
TourA120 GB
13/07/2024 - www.alphi.fr
SHORING SAFETY | PERFORMANCE | ADAPTABILITY | COMPLIANCE THE SHORING TOWER WITH SAFETY FEATURES A120 tower | The shoring tower with safety features 2 SHORING Alphi shoring towers satisfy the needs of all types of projects: the A120 tower is an effective solution for user safety; low towers are available for specific requirements. As recommended in the CRAMIF NT24 guidelines, the A120 tower can be assembled and disassembled in complete safety, limiting the risks of falls from height. Site: La...

EscalibMDS DE
EscalibMDS DE
13/07/2024 - www.alphi.fr
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29/12/2010 - www.loxam.fr
Motoculteurs Applications : n n Petit travaux de finition sur sol déjà travaillé à la bêche ou à la charrue Préparation d'un terrain avant plantation. · L'utilisation d'EPI adaptés est impérative. · La motobineuse est un outil dangereux - Ne la confier qu'à une personne expérimentée - Interdire la zone de travail à toute personne non utilisatrice. · Avant de faire demi-tour, arrêter la rotation des fraises. · Si des cailloux viennent bloquer les fraises, soulever puis inverser...

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Donner un autre visage à l'avenir
Donner un autre visage à l'avenir
10/10/2010 - www.altrad.com
1/2 Objectif Languedoc-Roussillon www.objectif-lr.com Décembre-Janvier 2009 Rubrique : Grand prix objectif Décideurs de l année Parrain de le soirée des Grands Prix Objectif Mohed Altrad, P-DG du groupe Altrad Donner un autre visage à l avenir Depuis le lancement des Grands Prix Objectif, Mohed Altrad aurait pu être à chacune de nos éditions l homme de l année tant son parcours, aussi bien personnel que professionnel, est impressionnant. Mais qu apporterait une telle récompense...

PM GirlsDay GEZE GmbH EN
PM GirlsDay GEZE GmbH EN
09/04/2011 - www.geze.com
PRESS RELEASE Leonberg, 25th April 2008 Girls' Day at GEZE: Young girls explore the modern professional and occupational world. The nationwide Girls' Day is now in its seventh year. Last Thursday numerous girls once again took the opportunity to get an insight into "typical" male professions at GEZE GmbH in Leonberg. The Girls' Day at GEZE was quite a special day for Julia Kassel and Lisa Mayer from Rutesheim's secondary school. Together with five class-mates and pupils of the Ludwig-Uhland secondary...