TopDalleEco EN

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BV Cert. 6150814


TopDalle Eco | Slab formwork combining safety and the environment



The versatile TopDalle Eco system suits every type of building: offices,
housing, residential care homes, correctional facilities, etc.
Simple and quick to install, the TopDalle Eco systems offers productivity of 33 m2/person/day at a height of 2.50 m.
Developed by Alphi's R&D department, TopDalle Eco formwork is compliant with the decree dated 2004 concerning falls from height and meets the requirements of the NF E 85-014 and NF X 35-109
standards concerning the risks of tripping, slipping and falling objects,
as well as manual load handling.
Fall from height NF E 85-014

Fall from ground level NF E

Falling objects
NF E 85-014


Physical positions

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