Investor Update Q2 2019 Akzonobel

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Investor update
Q2 2019
July 24, 2019

Operation Night Watch
We recently partnered with the Rijksmuseum for one of the most innovative projects in the history of art  the live restoration of Rembrandt's Night
Watch. In a spectacular fusion of old and new, Operation Night Watch will use ground-breaking techniques to preserve the painting for future generations.
We'll also be contributing our color expertise to the historic project.

Key highlights

Financial review
Concluding remarks


Investor update | Q2 2019


Key highlights

Investor update | Q2 2019


Q2 2019 results show continued progress towards Winning together: 15 by 20 strategy
Adjusted operating income 36% higher at ¬305 million (2018: ¬225 million)

ROS, excluding unallocated costs, increased to 13.7% (2018: 12.1%)
Focus on value over volume resulted in price/mix up 5% and 6% lower volumes
Transformation on track and delivered ¬43 million cost savings

¬1.5 billion of ¬2.5 billion share buyback program completed in H1 2019
Acquisition of Mapaero strengthens global position in aerospace coatings

The intended acquisition of
Mapaero will improve
AkzoNobel's position in the structural and cabin coating sub-segments and contribute directly towards delivering our
2020 guidance.
Investor update | Q2 2019


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