Report Q2 2020 Akzonobel

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Report Q1 2024 Akzonobel
Report Q1 2024 Akzonobel
12/07/2024 -
AkzoNobel | Report for the first quarter 2024 Our results at a glance Highlights Q1 2024 (compared with Q1 2023) " " " " Organic sales up 2%, driven by higher volumes in both Paints and Coatings; revenue down 1% Operating income improved to ¬261 million (2023: ¬182 million) Adjusted EBITDA ¬363 million (2023: ¬305 million), adjusted EBITDA margin 13.8% (2023: 11.5%) Net cash from operating activities negative ¬170 million (2023: negative ¬50 million) Outlook* Based on current market...

Investor Update Q1 2020 Akzonobel
Investor Update Q1 2020 Akzonobel
12/07/2024 -
Investor update Q1 2020 April 22, 2020 Ultimate rust-busting metal paint launched A new wave of exterior water-based paint has been launched by AkzoNobel which offers superior metal protection. Hammerite Ultima can be applied directly onto any metal surface  as well as rust  without the need for a primer. Suitable for anything from gates and fences to railings and garden furniture. Agenda Key highlights Financial review Concluding remarks Q&A Investor update | Q1 2020 2 Key highlights Investor...

Investor Update Q3 2020 Akzonobel
Investor Update Q3 2020 Akzonobel
12/07/2024 -
Investor update Q3 2020 October 21, 2020 Unearth your courage in 2021 with AkzoNobel's Color of the Year Brave Ground has been unveiled as AkzoNobel's Color of the Year for 2021. It's a warm and grounding neutral shade that gives us the courage to embrace change. A range of palettes has been developed to help customers of the company's Decorative Paints, Automotive and Specialty Coatings, Powder Coatings and Wood Coatings businesses choose on-trend colors with confidence. Agenda Key highlights Financial...

Report Q1 2021 Akzonobel
Report Q1 2021 Akzonobel
12/07/2024 -
Q1 Polar Pod partnership to push boundaries of scientific exploration A pioneering expedition, which will send a manned oceanographic platform drifting around Antarctica, has brought AkzoNobel on board as exclusive paints and coatings partner. The Polar Pod will enable scientists and researchers to study the Antarctic Circumpolar Current, which has a major influence on the Earth's climate. AkzoNobel will support the 1,000-ton platform for the next five years, from project construction through to...

Investor Update Q4 And Full Year 2019 Akzonobel
Investor Update Q4 And Full Year 2019 Akzonobel
12/07/2024 -
Investor update Q4 2019 February 12, 2020 AkzoNobel's powder coatings take landmark building to another level. Europe will soon have a new tallest building  and it's being protected from the ravages of the Warsaw weather by a high class powder coatings system supplied by AkzoNobel. Agenda Key highlights Financial review Concluding remarks Q&A Investor update | Q4 2019 2 Key highlights Investor update | Q4 2019 3 Q4 2019 profitability on track despite softer end market demand Adjusted...

Investor Update Q1 2024 Akzonobel
Investor Update Q1 2024 Akzonobel
12/07/2024 -
Investor Update April 23, 2024 Forward-looking statements This presentation1 does not constitute or form a part of any offer to sell, or any invitation or other solicitation of any offer, to buy or subscribe for any securities in the United States or any other jurisdiction. Some statements in this presentation are 'forward-looking statements'. By their nature, forward-looking statements involve risk and uncertainty because they relate to events and depend on circumstances that may occur in the...

Investor Update Q2 2023 Akzonobel
Investor Update Q2 2023 Akzonobel
12/07/2024 -
Investor update Q2 2023 July 25, 2023 Forward-looking statements This presentation1 does not constitute or form a part of any offer to sell, or any invitation or other solicitation of any offer, to buy or subscribe for any securities in the United States or any other jurisdiction. Some statements in this presentation are 'forward-looking statements'. By their nature, forward-looking statements involve risk and uncertainty because they relate to events and depend on circumstances that may occur...

Report Q3 2021 Akzonobel
Report Q3 2021 Akzonobel
12/07/2024 -
Q3 21 Bright Skies unveiled as Color of the Year An airy light blue has been revealed as our 2022 Color of the Year. The stunning collection of colors will inspire interior design and surfaces for the aerospace, automotive and consumer electronics markets. According to our trend research, what people need most is a breath of fresh air. That theme is reflected in Bright Skies  an incredibly versatile shade also showcased in our ColorSurfaces E17 coatings collection. AkzoNobel I Report for the...

27/10/2010 -
LUMINAIRE LOUVRE ASYMÉTRIQUE ENCASTRÉ INTÉRIEUR / EXTÉRIEUR XÉNON ASYMMETRISCH LOUVRE BODENEINBAULEUCHTE FÜR INNEN UND AUSSEN XENON ASYMMETRIC FLOOR RECESSED INTERIOR / EXTERIOR LOUVRE LUMINAIRE XENON LASY-AC IP65 / IP67 XÉNON 3W, 5W OU 8,5W 120 mm 19 mm 65 mm Glass Borosilicate 36 mm 25 mm Glass Borosilicate 25 mm 2.5 mm ø3.2mm 98 82 mm B 13 mm 98 mm 9 mm A Luminaire linéaire basse tension pour l'intérieur et l'extérieur à réflecteur asymétrique 24o utilisant des lampes...

22/08/2024 -

M i c r o s o f t W o r d - P O R T E _ E T I  Q U E T T E _ B R I O ...
M i c r o s o f t W o r d - P O R T E _ E T I Q U E T T E _ B R I O ...
10/03/2012 -
Pose Plafond 663 425 Pose Plafond 663 427 BRIO Pose Code Dimensions (L x h mm) BRIO ET Plafond Murale Plafond Murale 663 424 250 x 102 x 2 663 425 250 x 146 x 3 663 426 102 x 310 x 2 663 427 102 x 290 x 2 COPYRIGHT 2009 ­ KAUFEL THOMAS & BETTS

Pour DOM-Ronis, le verrouillage des casiers et vestiaires passe aussi par la technologie RFID
Pour DOM-Ronis, le verrouillage des casiers et vestiaires passe aussi par la technologie RFID
29/09/2016 -
Information Presse Juin 2016 Pour DOM-Ronis, le verrouillage des casiers et vestiaires passe aussi par la technologie RFID Attentif aux évolutions du marché de la protection des objets contre le vol et l effraction, DOM-RONIS a choisi de développer Tronic Mifare, une nouvelle gamme de serrures électroniques intégrant la technologie RFID. Grâce à la technologie Mifare Classic, DOM-Ronis apporte de nouveaux gages de sécurisation à sa gamme Tronic, système de verrouillage sans clé conçu...

ACOME communiqué de presse lancement 5e édition fête du très haut débit 26 04 2010
ACOME communiqué de presse lancement 5e édition fête du très haut débit 26 04 2010
25/11/2010 -
Contact presse : Patricia Boulanger : Tel. +3350° 42 79 14 27 1 COMMUNIQUE DE PRESSE ­ AVRIL 2010 5 ème 24 JUIN 2010 édition pour la "Fête du Très Haut Débit" d'ACOME Une journée spécialement dédiée à L'Aménagement Numérique des Territoires ACOME, leader en câbles télécom, composants et solutions de câblage cuivre et optique, est l'un des 3 producteurs européens de fibres optiques, organise le 24 juin 2010 sur son site de production de Mortain (Manche) et pour...

23/08/2024 -
WIND LISTINO 4.0 Made in Italy WIND Companyprofile Tonon nasce nel 1963 e può vantare oltre 50 anni di storia nel settore del riscaldamento con il bagaglio di risorse umane e di know how accumulato ed un radicamento su territori sempre più estesi. L'ampliamento nei diversi mercati con le loro peculiarità ha permesso a Tonon di evolversi e trasformarsi in Tonon Evolution, per soddisfare le esigenze di un mercato sempre più poliedrico. ll nuovo concept aziendale parla di questo: del design...