Report Q1 2020 Akzonobel

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Ultimate rust-busting metal paint launched
A new wave of exterior water-based paint has been launched by AkzoNobel which offers superior metal protection. Hammerite Ultima can be applied directly onto any metal surface  as well as rust  without the need for a primer. Suitable for anything from gates and fences to railings and garden furniture, the new product is now available in Germany, Spain and France and is scheduled to be launched onto other markets in due course.


AkzoNobel I Report for the first quarter 2020 2

Our results at a glance
Highlights Q1 2020

Summary of financial outcomes


First quarter

Adjusted operating income up 31% at ¬214 million (2019: ¬163 million), despite impact from COVID-19
ROS, excluding unallocated costs, increased to 12.4% (2019: 9.1%) with price/mix up 2%
Operating income up 65% at ¬187 million (2019: ¬113 million); OPI margin improved to 9.1% (2019: 5.2%)
Transformation and other savings delivered ¬44 million lower costs (compared with the first quarter of 2019)
¬408 million of ¬500 million share buyback program executed during Q1 2020







Adjusted EBITDA*


Dans la boutique

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