Report Q4 2022 Akzonobel

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AkzoNobel Report for the fourth quarter and full-year 2022

Our results at a glance
Highlights Q4 2022 (compared with Q4 2021)

Revenue up 8% and 9% higher in constant currencies; pricing up 11%, volumes 9% lower
Operating income at ¬103 million (2021: ¬205 million), resulting from lower volumes, higher raw material and freight costs, and inflation on operating expenses; OPI margin 4.0% (2021: 8.5%)
Adjusted operating income at ¬126 million (2021: ¬209 million), excludes ¬23 million negative impact from Identified items (2021: ¬4 million negative impact); ROS at 4.8% (2021: 8.7%)
Acquisition of wheel liquid coatings business of Lankwitzer Lackfabrik completed in December
Share buyback of ¬500 million finalized in December

Highlights full-year 2022 (compared with full-year 2021)


Revenue up 13% and 11% higher in constant currencies, pricing up 14%, volumes 7% lower
Operating income at ¬708 million (2021: ¬1,118 million), resulting from lower volumes, higher raw material and freight costs, inflation on operating expenses and ¬46 million negative impact from hyperinflation accounting. OPI margin 6.5% (2021: 11.7%)
Adjusted operating income at ¬789 million (2021: ¬1,092 million), excludes ¬81 million negative impact from Identified items (2021: ¬26 million positive impact); ROS at 7.3% (2021: 11.4%)
Adjusted EBITDA at ¬1,157 million (2021: ¬1,436 million)
Final dividend proposed of ¬1.54 per share (2021: ¬1.54 per share)

Summary of financial results
Fourth quarter





in ¬ millions / %


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