Report Q3 2023 Akzonobel

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AkzoNobel | Report for the third quarter 2023

Our results at a glance
Highlights Q3 2023 (compared with Q3 2022)

Summary of financial results


Third quarter


Revenue in constant currencies up 5% on pricing, despite flat volumes; reported revenue 4%
down on unfavorable exchange rates
Operating income improved to ¬354 million (2022: ¬168 million)
Adjusted operating income at ¬324 million (2022: ¬184 million); ROS at 11.8% (2022: 6.4%)
Net cash from operating activities positive ¬297 million (2022: ¬126 million)
Net debt to EBITDA leverage ratio improved sequentially to 3.2x

2023 Outlook*







(4%) Revenue




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