Case Study Vall Companys Group Web

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Floor Solutions

Leading Spanish Agri-Food Group Relies on Stonhard for HighPerformance Floors and Wall Protection in Pork Facility
Food Manufacturer Requires New Floors for Production Facility

Products used for Vall Companys Group, Spain:
Stonclad ® UR " Stonkote HT4 with texture 3
Vall Companys Group is a leading Spanish family-owned agrifood group founded in 1956. The company is one of the top manufacturers of products for consumer pork products and farm animal feed. In 2019, they generated ¬2 billion in sales. They are a top producer of pork, cured ham, poultry, beef and other natural products. Patel is an abattoir under the Vall Companys
Group brand that specializes in pork cutting and distribution. To ensure their facilities were in the best working conditions, Vall
Companys Group trusted Stonhard to deliver Patel the highest standard in flooring solutions and installation.
Vall Companys Group's poultry production plant, Patel,
contracted with Stonhard to install 1,700m2 of floors for their expedition area, conservation refrigerators, and 500m of wall protection. After having searched for more than five years for a suitable solution for Patel's flooring requirements, the company was pleased with the products and installation Stonhard was able to deliver.
Demanding Conditions Call for Long-Lasting Floor Solutions
Acrylic and polyurethane floors were in place before the new
Stonhard flooring system was installed. The old floors did not meet the durability expectations required for these high-traffic,
hardworking facilities. Previous problems included issues

with cleaning, constant breakage and excessive maintenance.
Fortunately, Vall Companys Group chose the right manufacturer/
installer to get rid of these issue for good.
Stonclad UR, a polyurethane mortar flooring system that withstands high traffic, heavy machinery and thermal shock and cycling, was installed. In addition, Stonclad UR was used to create a smooth, hygienic detail to transition from the protective curbing to the walls, providing an easy-to-clean surface and denying the opportunity for bacteria growth. Stonkote HT4
was applied to enhance the appearance of the floor and provide additional protection against a wide range of chemicals, while also increasing abrasion resistance and cleanability. The Patel facility can rely on Stonhard's Stonclad UR system to perform without the risk of breaking down under extreme conditions and aggressive, hot water washdowns, exactly what is needed in a demanding food processing facility.
Satisfied Customer Makes Future Plans with Stonhard
Just how satisfied was Vall Companys Group with the finished

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