Case Study Fk System Czech Web

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Floor Solutions

Production Facility in Czech Republic Selects Stonhard to Protect
Floors and Walls in Aggressive Chemical Environment
A functional, highly chemical resistant solution to ensure proper protection of the floor and high walls.

Products used for FK System, Czech Republic:
Stonclad ®UT " Stonclad ® UR " Stonseal ® UT7 "
Stonchem ® 878 " Stonchem ® 878V
A New Production Facility
FK System is located in the city of Brno in Czech Republic.
They specialize in surface treatment, specifically, the cleaning,
blasting, pickling and passivation of alloyed stainless steel.
FK System was founded in 1992 by Frantisek Kalny prior to
Czechoslovakia's split into the Czech Republic and Slovakia.
Shortly after the company was established, Kalny's sons joined the family business and ran it successfully for the next 30 years.
In 2019, they reached their goal of completing a new production facility in Brno.
Stonhard Contracted to Provide Highest Quality Chemical
Resistant Products and Installation
To properly construct and run this new production facility, FK
System required a flooring solution that would withstand aggressive acids. The customer expectation was simple,
Stonhard would need to provide a functional, highly chemical resistant solution to ensure proper protection of the floor and high walls. Based on the chemical specifications and observations, Stonhard identified the right system to fulfill all expectations, providing the facility with a long-term floor and wall solution.

Stonchem 800 System Recommended to Withstand
Aggressive Acids
Cleaning and pickling stainless steel exposes the floors and walls to aggressive, concentrated acids. Stonchem 800 Series,
a highly cross-linked vinyl ester resin, provides a broad chemical resistance as well as excellent thermal stability to withstand thermal shock and chemical attack. Stonchem 800 Series is best against exposures to concentrated organic acids, moderate to strong inorganic acids, alkalis, and most solvents.
Stonhard Tests to Select the Right Formulation for Long-Term
Stonhard provided immersion samples for chemical resistance testing to validate our claims that Stonchem 800 Series would withstand the chemical exposure at FK System. This testing is available for every Stonchem customer or opportunity upon request. After verifying the chemical resistance was correct,

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