Case Study Pepsico Poland Web

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Floor Solutions

PepsiCo required a flooring solution which is able to withstand the demanding conditions in their production facility
A seamless flooring solution resistant to high temperatures, thermal shock, high-pressure cleaning and heavy loads

Products used for PepsiCo, Poland:
Stonset ®TG6 " Stonclad ® UT light texture " color Mint

PepsiCo, Inc. is an American company and one of the world's largest producers of soft drinks and food products. The company owns, among others, Pepsi, Lay's and Cheetos brands. PepsiCo,
a worldwide employer of 59,000 people, employs more than
3,000 in Poland where it established a presence in 1991.
PepsiCo operates four state-of-the-art production plants in
Poland. Stonhard has earned its place as a trusted flooring partner for the Michrow and Znin beverage plants.
In 2019, Stonhard was involved in a demanding renovation and modernization project at the PepsiCo factory in Michrow.
Stonhard earned PepsiCo's trust for demanding, time-sensitive projects through prior achievements on challenging projects.
However, this time the request was unique. PepsiCo planned to completely replace the filling production line and change its existing drainage from the middle of the room to the perimeter.
The update required the lowest part of the room to become the highest.

Time was also a major factor for this installation. A very tight schedule was required for the removal of the existing production line and the existing industrial tile, installation of the new drain,
the reprofiling of the floor's pitch, and the installation of the resin floor.
The expectations of the customer were clear. During production,
water must flow to the drain system located around the room.
Any puddling on the finished floor would be unacceptable. The flooring system needed to be resistant to high temperatures,
thermal shock, high-pressure cleaning, and heavy loads, while providing a slip resistance for workers in this wet environment.
In addition to all production requirements, it was imperative to meet the installation deadline.
After a deep area site survey, including a core drill, and meetings with PepsiCo decision-makers and the drainage subcontractor,
Stonhard determined the best product solutions and installation procedures to meet the required expectations.

The Stonhard Difference

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