Astrazeneca Case Study 2023 January 19

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EST. 1922

Floor Solutions

Stonhard Floors Protect and Perform in Global Pharmaceutical
Manufacturing Facility
Stonhard seamless flooring system for the secondary packing line in AstraZeneca's European center, a facility responsible for packing and distributing to 130 global markets.

Stongard ® MR " Stontec ® ERF " Stonfil ® OP2

A State-of-the-Art Pharmaceutical Packaging Facility Complete with Stonhard Floors
AstraZeneca is a British-Swedish global pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical company headquartered in Cambridge, England,
where the majority of their research and development takes place. Their products treat diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, infection, neuroscience, respiratory, and inflammation. From their European packaging and distribution center in Macclesfield, England, they support 130 global markets.
AstraZeneca's Macclesfield location is the second largest global manufacturing facility for medicines like the legacy prostate cancer drug Zoladex.
When AstraZeneca decided to turn an existing warehouse in Macclesfield into a state-of-the-art pharmaceutical packaging facility,
they contracted with Boulting Environmental Services (BES), a

design-led construction company that has been providing multidisciplinary engineering services for AstraZeneca's Macclesfield site for nearly 20 years. For this large-scale flooring project, BES

This is the first project that we've undertaken with the
Stonhard team and we were immediately impressed with their knowledge and experience, which was clear from the solution that they developed in response to our brief. 
~ Dave Greaves, Senior Construction Manager, BES
recommended Stonhard's expertise and high-performance products to meet the specific requirements of the environments within the facility. Stonhard installed nearly 70,000 sq. ft. of durable,
long-lasting epoxy systems throughout AstraZeneca's new production facility and cleanroom.

Stonhard is the unprecedented world leader in manufacturing and installing high-performance polymer floor, wall and lining systems. Stonhard maintains 300 Territory Managers and 175
application crews worldwide who will work with you on design specification, project management, final walk through and service after the sale. Stonhard's single-source warranty covers both products and installation.

Stonhard provides proven flooring solutions for the pharmaceutical industry.

This is the first project that we've undertaken with the Stonhard team and we were immediately impressed with their knowledge

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