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Stonhard Floors Help to Transform the World's Most Famous ArenaMadison Square Garden

Products used at Madison Square Garden

" Stonclad GS " Stonclad UR " Stongard TM " Stonshield SLT

Madison Square Garden, the World's Most Famous Arena located in the heart of Midtown Manhattan New York, has a
20-year relationship with Stonhard performing the behind the scenes repairs to keep MSG operating at full capacity. Their long, reputable and outstanding history solidified their decision to bring Stonhard on board to take part in the Billion transformation project.
After almost 50 years of use, the Lower Bowl' was in poor condition; the existing concrete was corroded and paint was peeling off of the floors. Stonhard replaced the existing substrate with Stongard TM, a highly durable, elastomeric,
traffic bearing flooring system. Stongard TM is a textured,
durable, sophisticated surface, easy to clean and maintain.

Stongard TM provides a long lasting, durable floor that will resist throngs of foot and wheeled traffic

MSG opted for Stonhard's Stonclad system for the concessions area, instead of quarry tile. Formulated specifically for general service areas, Stonclad systems are designed to withstand tough, heavy traffic environments, resisting slips and stains.
Unlike the original quarry tile, Stonhard floors are seamless;

without joints, cracks or seams to harbor bacteria, and are easy to clean. Stonclad systems were also installed in the expo area,
beer fridges and Delta Club corridors.

Stonhard installation crews worked for three years during MSG's dark days' to complete the transformation

Stonshield SLT was specified for the escalator towers due to its durability, slip resistant texture and decorative appearance

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