Uk Metro Station

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UK Metro Stations Revitalized with Durable, Sound-Absorbing
Stonres RTZ Floors
Product used at Metro Stations:
" Stonres® RTZ

The Tyne and Wear Metro is a light rail system that serves
Northeast England. With 60 stations covering some 48 miles and with annual ridership of over 40 million, daily wear and tear had taken a toll on the system's facilities. The Metro 
is in the midst of a 0 million plus, nine-year long modernization process which includes a complete overhaul of all existing stations, the addition of new stations and further modernization of the system's infrastructure and technology.

In the first phase of the three phase plan, the Haymarket and
Sunderland Metro Stations were scheduled for renovations.
The stations had terrazzo tiling, which was noisy under foot traffic, had poor slip resistance and was surface damaged,
even though it remained well bonded to the floor. Project management was faced with a dilemma: remove the ter- Stonres RTZ's acoustical benefits were noticed immediately in razzo, which would be extremely costly and time-consum- the upper concourse.
ing, or install a new floor over the terrazzo, which would Planners were impressed with Stonres RTZ's ability to go limit their product selection, as not all floors can be installed over the terrazzo.
over terrazzo.
Restrictions on the installation process presented Stonhard
Stonhard presented Metro planners and project management with some unique challenges. Stonhard crews would have to with Stonres RTZ, a seamless, urethane-based, ergonomic, adhere to time restrictions, working around public timetables sound-reducing, long-wearing and stain resistant floor system with just limited closures. For the majority of the installation,
that could easily be installed over the existing terrazzo. Stonhard worked while trains continued to pass through the stations. The work areas were unheated, and since the initial installation began in the dead of winter, temporary tents had to be erected so that the resins used in the floor system could be prepared at the proper temperature. The Sunderland station had no on-site storage, so nightly deliveries by rail had to be arranged. Additionally, Stonhard's installation crews had to comply with all health and safety regulations set forth by the railway sector, which closely monitored all work.
Stonhard's flexibility with the installation was also a huge selling point for metro planners.

Stonhard installed floors in both Haymarket and Sunderland
Metro stations while trains continued to pass through the stations. Flexibility during installation was critical to Metro stations planners.

The complicated work environment and restrictions were only minimal challenges for Stonhard, which successfully installed more than 7,500 square feet of Stonres RTZ on the concourses and platforms at the Haymarket and Sunderland
Metro Stations. Metro administration and project managers were extremely pleased with their new Stonhard floors.

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