Wright Foods Case History

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Stonhard Floors Help Food Plant Adhere to Food Safety Regulations
Products used at Wright Foods
" Stonclad UT

With a daily emphasis on quality and food safety, management required a monolithic floor that would be easy to clean and did not harbor dirt or bacteria. In addition, Wright Foods sought a longterm flooring solution; floors that would withstand heavy forklift traffic, thermal shock and thermal cycling, while maintaining a slip resistant surface.
As part of a daily sanitation process, Wright Foods exposes their flooring surfaces to extreme temperature differences,
while also requiring some areas of the floor to be exposed to direct high temperature steam.With food safety being a top priority, a seamless system is required to achienve a sanitary environment where it is hard for bacteria to grow and mulitply.
Based on these requirements Stonhard's Stonclad UT was chosen; it is impact and abrasion resistant, able to withstand heavy forklift traffic and severe thermal shock, and seamless to inhibit growth of bacteria.

Stonhard installed Stonclad UT in the production area of Wright Foods.
The floor is easy to clean and slip resistant.

Wright Foods pride themselves on being a state of the art,
aseptic food processing company who not only meets, but exceeds federal regulations for food safety and quality assurance; so it's no surprise they turned to Stonhard for the floors in their new 60,000 square foot facility in Troy, North Carolina.

As a result of the installation, Wright Foods committed to using Stonhard as they continue to grow and expand, adding an additional 40,000 sq.ft to their current facility.

As the technology leader in shelf stable food processing,
Wright Foods strives to provide the best tasting, most nutritious and highest quality shelf stable foods. Food safety and process consistency are the foundation of their business, including rigorous adherence to production equipment maintenance, coupled with extreme care in handling ingredients,
packaging materials, and finished products. In addition, as an
SQF certified processor, Wright Foods holds themselves to meeting or exceeding the most stringent FDA standards.
Wright Foods called in four flooring companies to prove which product could meet or exceed their high standards for quality. They chose Stonhard.

8 0 0 . 257.7953

Seamless floors help prevent containment issues

Food and Beverage



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