Iso 45001 2018 Certifikate Cs 2300846 En

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ISO 45001:2018

Certificate Registr. No. 01 213 2300846

Certificate Holder:

Viessmann Climate Solutions SE
Viessmannstr. 1
35108 Allendorf
Germany including the locations according to annex


Development, production, distribution and service of heating, photovoltaic and e-systems

Proof has been furnished by means of an audit that the requirements of ISO 45001:2018 are met.

® TÜV, TUEV and TUV are registered trademarks. Utilisation and application requires prior approval.


The certificate is valid from 2023-11-22 until 2026-11-18.
First certification 2020

2023-11-28 (Change)
TÜV Rheinland Cert GmbH
Am Grauen Stein · 51105 Köln

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