191746 01361183 Doc

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

Declaration of Conformity
Manufacturer name:

Hansa Armaturen GmbH

Manufacturer address:

Sigmaringer Str. 107
D-70567 Stuttgart

We declare that product is designed and produced according to the acknowledged rules of technology.
The confirmation is provided by test reports or certificates of independent institutes (e.g. DVGW, KIWA, TÜV).
The usage in drinking water installations is safe.


Product name:

Kitchen faucet, low pressure

Model number:


Conforms to the following specifications:
Material regulations:

4MSI (UBA), KTW-Guidelines, REACH

Certified systems:

ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 50001, ISO 45001


EN 806, EN 817 , EN 1717

Thomas Kempf
Manager, Approvals and Standards

Dans la boutique

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