Privacy Notice For Osram Employees En

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

Privacy Notice for ams OSRAM
This Privacy Notice describes how your personal data as employee, former employee or applicant of an ams OSRAM
company ( ams OSRAM ) is processed. It describes how ams
OSRAM uses your personal data, what measures are taken to protect your data and the rights you have concerning your personal data.

The protection of personal data is a major concern for ams OSRAM. Therefore, ams OSRAM
processes your personal data only in accordance with the provisions of the EU General Data
Protection Regulation and other applicable legal requirements on the protection of personal data and data security.


The purpose of processing, data categories and the legal basis of the processing

ams OSRAM processes your personal data in order to fulfill and manage your existing, finished or future employment relationship. In this context, inter alia the following processing activities are executed:



Recruiting and staffing, such as: conducting job interviews and selecting suitable persons;
Management of salary payment, such as: payroll accounting;
Personnel and organizational management, such as: administration and maintenance of the personnel file, performance assessments;
Transfer and disclosure of information in the context of your professional activity,
including inter alia towards other ams OSRAM group entities or business partners, ams
OSRAM customers, interested parties and, where relevant, Internet users on corporate social media accounts (Facebook, LinkedIn, TikTok, etc.);
Protection of the company's assets, such as: appropriate access restrictions to the worksites and facilities;
Compliance with legal obligations, such as: billing, accounting and auditing requirements, regular background checks for certain groups of employees based on their functions and position level (if legally required).
Prevention, detection and investigation of compliance violations as well as subsequent damage control and mitigation, such as: preventive measures (e.g., trainings),

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