Griesser Dgnb Venetian Blind Productdeclaration V3

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Reference: D15-1666 / 04.10.216

Produktdeklaration - DGNB Neubauversion Büro- und Verwaltungsgebäude (NBV15)



Griesser AG Aadorf


Venetian Blind (Lamisol, Solomatic, Aluflex)

Product Rating
%ª The product meets the requirements of quality level 1 to 4 and contributes to achieve 100 (of max. 100 achievable) checklist points according to criterion
'ENV1.2 Local Environmental Impact'.

Criterion ENV 1.2 Risks for the Local Environment - Ecological Quality
Quality Level 1

10 Checklist Points

Quality Level 2

50 Checklist Points

Quality Level 3

75 Checklist Points

Quality Level 4

100 Checklist Point

Criterion ENV 1.3.1 Sustainable Resources - Ecological Quality*
Quality Level 1

10 Checklist Points


Quality Level 2

50 Checklist Points


Quality Level 3

Dans la boutique

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