Wras Certificate Sge

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

Approval Number


Field of application

Approval holder
WRAS directory section
Product type
Basis of compliance

Products complying with the Water Supply (Water Fittings) Regulations 1999
(England & Wales), the Water Supply (Water Fittings) (Scotland) Byelaws
2014 and the Water Supply (Water Fittings) Regulations (Northern Ireland)
A.O Smith Water Products Company b.v
Regulator Specifications (TCS) / BS Standard

Valid from

May 2024

Date of expiry

May 2029

Authorised by

Ian Hughes, WRAS Approvals Manager

The certificate by itself is not evidence of a valid WRAS Approval.
Confirmation of the current status of an approval must be obtained from the WRAS Approvals Directory

Certificate issued: 17th May 2024

The Water Regulations Approval Scheme Ltd. Registered in England No, 1303284 Registered office: 6D Lowick Close, Hazel Grove, Stockport, SK7 5ED

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