Doc Sgs En

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

CE - Declaration of Conformity

A.O. Smith Water Products Company b.v.
De Run 5305
5503 LW Veldhoven
The Netherlands

hereby declares that the following products:
Product description:

Condensing gas fired storage water heater

Product family name:


Product models:

SGS 28, SGS 30, SGS 50, SGS 60, SGS 80, SGS 100, SGS 120

on the assumption that the installation instructions have been followed are compliant to:
Gas Appliance Regulations (GAR) - 2016/426
- EN 89:2015
Low Voltage Directive (LVD) - 2006/95/EG
- EN 60335-1:2012
- EN 60335-2-102:2006
Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive (EMC) - 2004/108/EG
- EN 55014-1:2007
- EN 55014-2:2015
- EN 61000-3-2:2014
- EN 61000-3-3:2013
Pressure Equipment Directive (PED) - 2014/68/EU
- Based on Art. 4, Sub 3. (PS < 10 bar, pressure vessel for non-hazardous fluids)
ECO Design Directive (ErP) - 2009/125/EG
- Commission regulation No. 814/2013 based on notices 2014/C - 207/03
Energy Labelling Directive - 2010/30/EG
- Commission regulation No. 812/2013
as stated in the EC type-examination report, 178889, by KIWA Gastec Certification b.v., The Netherlands.

A.O. Smith Water Products Company b.v.

July 1, 2018


T. van der Hamsvoort
Managing Director

Dans la boutique

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Spec Sheet Innovo UK
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Innovo Condensing high efficiency water heater IR 12-160/20-160/12-200/20-200/24-245/32-245/ 24-285/32-285/32-380 " " " " " " " " " " Fully room-sealed condensing high efficiency water heater " " " Completely insulated, low stand by losses Automatic gas/air premix burning system Delivered with low-maintenance inert anodes Efficiency 98% (gross) Flexible flue option allows installations to be placed almost anywhere Construction of the heat exchangers limits scaling effect External...

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Flue gas discharge material Additional flue gas discharge material Innovo Concentric Ø80 / 125 ROOF DUCT Art. No. Description Ø80/125 WALL DUCT Art. No. Alu PP 0304983 0310753 Art. No. Description Ø80/125 ROOF DUCT SET Art. No. Description Ø80/125 Alu PP 0302516 0310757 WALL DUCT SET Art. No. Alu PP 0305042 0310755

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