Spec Sheet PHE UK

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :


Plate heat exchanger
PHE - 50/75/100/150/175/225/250/275

Copper soldered plate heat exchanger " Optimum security thanks to double separation-construction " Nominal output of 50 - 275 kW
" Maximum working pressure of (25 bar) 2500 kPa " Maximum working temperature heat exchangers: 120°C " Very easy installation
" Maintenance friendly because there are no gaskets " Deliverable with additional insulation kit " Different capacity-types are available at request

Innovation has a name.


Power kW
Number of plates
Primary temperature
Secondary temperature
Primary flow m3/h
Secondary flow m3/h
Primary pressure drop kPa
Secondary pressure drop kPa
Max. permitted pressure drop kPa
Max. working pressure heat exchangers bar
Min. working temp. heat exchangers °C
Max. working temp. heat exchangers °C
Plate material
Soldering material
Empty weight kg
Max. chlorine concentration (at 80°C) mg/kg
Insulation jacket (art. nr.)
Primary capacity ltr/channel
Secondary capacity ltr/channel

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