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Certificate number: 2311797 (2)


Kiwa Regulation 4 (KUKreg4) Certification
Evaluation Guideline  Kiwa UK  EG004  Regulation 4(1)(a)
Model number(s)  see Appendix

A.O. Smith Water Products Company b.v.
Kiwa Watertec declares that legitimate confidence exists in the products specified in this certificate and supplied by the above organisation be relied upon to comply with the Kiwa Evaluation Guideline referred above.
Which verifies the requirements of:
Regulation 4(1)a of the Water Supply (Water Fittings) Regulations 1999 England & Wales: 2009
Northern Ireland and 2014 Byelaws Scotland.

This certificate has been issued in accordance with the Kiwa regulations for product certification.
Signed on behalf of Kiwa Watertec

David Jay, Business Unit Manager  Authorised Signatory
Kiwa Watertec

Publication of this certificate is allowed.
Products are intended to be used in the UK only. For other countries, other (National) requirements will apply.
See https://www.kiwa.com/gb/en/about-kiwa/water-products/ or the QR code below to ensure that the certificate is still valid.

Kiwa Watertec
(A Trading Division of Kiwa Ltd)
26A Rassau Industrial Estate
Ebbw Vale

Certificate Issued to:
A.O. Smith Water Products Company b.v.
De Run 5305
5503 LW Veldhoven

NP23 5SD
United Kingdom
T +44 (0)1495 308185
uk.water@kiwa.com www.kiwa.co.uk

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