Intelligent shutter

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

iku®windows ­ the intelligent shutter vertical system

· Electric shutter system, which allows to move big panels also under high wind load.

At the touch of a button
· · · Keypad Remote Control Central control over Building Management Systems (LON, EIB ..)

· · · Individual size configurations. Various material options like metal, glass, textiles and others are offered, in addition, colour and design choices enable many personal configuration possibilities The shutter panels and the guide rail profiles can be individually designed as required.

Low maintenance
· The technology is simple and easily serviced. This applies to both the runner mechanism and to the intrinsic shutter panels

Test values
Durability tested Wind load tested up to 600 PA/N

To learn more about our products please click on
Architect's Folder 2008 Subject to modifications and amendment for the benefit of technical progress © by iku® intelligente Fenstersysteme AG

iku®windows ­ the intelligent shutter vertical system

Architect's Folder 2008

Subject to modifications and amendment for the benefit of technical progress

© by iku® intelligente Fenstersysteme AG

iku®windows - the intelligent shutter vertical system

Shutter open

Shutter half open

Shutter closed

Architect's Folder 2008

Subject to modifications and amendment for the benefit of technical progress

© by iku® intelligente Fenstersysteme AG

iku®windows ­ the intelligent shutter horizontal system
Functions · Electric shutter system, which allows to move big panels also under high wind-load.

At the touch of a button · · · Keypad Remote Control Central control over Building Management Systems (LON, EIB ..)

Individual · · · individual size configurations. Various material options like metal, glass, textiles and others are offered, in addition, colour and design choices enable many personal configuration possibilities The shutter panels and the guide rail profiles can be individually designed as required.

Low maintenance · The technology is simple and easily serviced. This applies to both the runner mechanism and to the intrinsic shutter panels

Dans la boutique

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iku®windows ­ the intelligent shutter vertical system Functions · Electric shutter system, which allows to move big panels also under high wind load. At the touch of a button · · · Keypad Remote Control Central control over Building Management Systems (LON, EIB ..) Individual · · · Individual size configurations. Various material options like metal, glass, textiles and others are offered, in addition, colour and design choices enable many personal configuration possibilities The shutter...

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