Unitized system

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

iku®windows - the intelligent self-cleaning glass facade Unitized system iku®windows ­ the intelligent façade ­ is a complete façade system with an integrated selfcleaning function. This façade system offers all the benefits of using prefabricated facade elements: The production in the factory is a guarantee for precise manufacturing and quick installation on site. This system enables the changes of glass from inside and the integration of maintenance and evacuation units. The system is directly connected to the water supply with detergent being added to the water automatically via mixer unit. Water and detergent are sprayed on to the façade at the touch of a button. Then the integrated wipers clean the façade automatically. Individually it can be parameterised how much and how long water should be sprayed onto the glass facade, equally the frequency of the wiper movement can be decided. The wipers are spring-loaded, which guarantees not only a perfect cleaning result. Maximum system height is 60 m for one wiper. On taller buildings several systems are installed on top of one other.

Architect's Folder 2008

Subject to modifications and amendment for the benefit of technical progress

© by iku® intelligente Fenstersysteme AG

Unique options:
Additional to self-cleaning mechanism systemized integration of
· · · · · maintenance & evacuation unit shading photovoltaic lighting advertisement

· · · · · Extremely efficient series production no silicone used for glazing glass changeable from inside minimum construction time easy integration of glass marble or aluminium panels

Benefits that pay off:
Convenience · · · · · cleaning at the touch of a button clean facades in just a few hours (even high rise) no need for external cleaning contractors rainwater used for cleaning cycle free design for architects

Safety / Privacy · · · · · · · safe cleaning of high glass facades risk-free change of glass from inside no breakage from building maintenance units protection of privacy no outside personnel looking into the building (espionage / break-ins) evacuation in case of disaster protection of the façade from fire and smog by increasing pressure of water spraying

Cost effectiveness · · · · · extremely low operation costs high frequency of cleaning without additional costs one-off investment low maintenance cleaning of solar panels, in order not to lose efficiency in energy production

Architect's Folder 2008

Subject to modifications and amendment for the benefit of technical progress

© by iku® intelligente Fenstersysteme AG

iku®windows ­ the intelligent self-cleaning glass facade Unitized system

Test values
Air permeability in accordance with NORM EN 12153 Water-tightness to driving rain in accordance with NORM EN 12155 Safety testing AE 1650 (pressure and suction) RE 1650 3000 Pa: passed

Thermal transmission coefficient Ucw = 1,5 W/m2 K for double glazing Ug = 1,1 W/m2K

For further details please refer to www.iku-windows.com

Architect's Folder 2008

Subject to modifications and amendment for the benefit of technical progress

© by iku® intelligente Fenstersysteme AG

iku®windows ­ the intelligent self-cleaning glass facade Unitized system

Prefabrication of elements in individual sizes according to the specification

Production of the frames
1. 2. 3. 4. Profiles are cut to length Drilling and processing of profiles Assembly of the profiles Inserting the gaskets

Dans la boutique

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