Growth The HBR Interview

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General Electric is bending every waking effort to an audacious aim to grow organically two to three times faster than world GDP.
Pursuing that goal, the company has invented a whole new set of management methods.

Growth as a Process
An Interview with Jeffrey R. Immelt

Reprint R0606C

General Electric is bending every waking effort to an audacious aim 
to grow organically two to three times faster than world GDP. Pursuing that goal, the company has invented a whole new set of management methods.


Growth as a Process
An Interview with Jeffrey R. Immelt

rorist attacks on American soil. Operating in a

of General Electric, he took the helm of a ûne-

fundamentally altered context, Immelt knew

tuned productivity machine. GE had long


When Jeff Immelt became chairman and CEO

GE could not cling to its status quo.

taken management innovation seriously 

Coming up on Jeff Immelt s ûfth anniver-

from the company s famous blue book days in

sary in ofûce, Harvard Business Review offers

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