Partitioning curtain

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Partitioning curtain: a rational solution to insulate and segregate your premises

Partitioning curtain

Separate 2 rooms with different temperatures Create a working space Segregate a zone of production Shelter from dust Protect against noise Stop air-draught from coming in

Why choosing a Maviflex partitioning curtain
Firstly, because of the 35 years experience within a unique specialist activity : manufacturing of industrial doors. Besides, the production is entirely made in France which permits us to master the design and the quality of our products. Our research department design our products with advanced technology and innovation linked with security, thanks to various patents. Finally, it is a competent team dedicated to their customers.

Fixing with hook for sliding version

Option ballasting chain within the sheath Insulated curtain with polyurethane foam surrounded by air bubble filmed between 2 aluminium sheet and two curtain materials.

Partitioning curtains characteristics
STANDARD PARTITIONING CURTAIN: curtain with eyelets every 500mm on the upper part and with hem on the lower part. Available options: - Ballasting: ballasting chain within the sheath on the lower part. Better display and depression holding. To be planed for partitioning curtain > 3500mm - Visibility: oblong windows W 340 x H 270mm or vision panel Width from 1000mm to 3000 x H 400mm. - Sliding: sewn straps stiffening the edges for the support of the external trolleys. - Graphics: Logo ­ Security Text ­ Pictogram ­ Localization INSULATED PARTITIONING CURTAIN: Two sealed materials within which polyurethane foam surrounded by air bubble encapsulated between 2 aluminium sheet. Thermal transmission coefficient U =2.7 W/m².K Maximum Width 4000mm per partition Available options: - Visibility: insulated round windows diameter 150mm - Sliding: sewn techniques with foldable welding. Once folded, the curtain takes 30% of the length.

Option visibility with oblong window 350 x 200mm

Option visibility with insulated round window Ø 150 mm

Option visibility with vision panel: Height 400mm, Width from 500 to 3000mm

Solutions for binding 2 partitioning curtains
Choice Aim Link between 2 partitioning curtains with Velcro To be able to move easily between two partitioning curtains for specific operations Link between 2 partitioning curtains with elastic "Sandows" To be able to tighten the partitioning curtain by fixing around. The partitioning curtain can be fixed on one side or on all sides.





Solutions for fitting partitioning curtain ­ fixed version
Type of fixing Proposed solutions Direct fixing unto the wall Using the appropriate pins depending on the type of wall Not provided Fixing on a simple support The support can be face fixed or under lintel fixed Simple support Length 2m, 2.5m, or 3m Fixing on IPN thickness 8 /14 Fixing with rod Tube + hooks

exemple de chevilles à utiliser

Solutions for fitting partitioning curtain ­ sliding version
Type of fixing 3 types of tracks Fixing under ceiling Fixing face mount Fixing under IPN

- Track 35 x30 Galvanised - Track 50 x 40 Galvanised - Track 35 x 30 Stainless Steel


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