Valchromat FSC Certificate

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

SQS herewith certifies that the company named below fulfils the FSC standards with regard to Chain of Custody (COC). The company below is authorized by this SQS
certificate to process FSC products which are subject to full and complete controls and which originate from forests that are managed in accordance with the principles and criteria of the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC). A list or description of the certificated products can be obtained from the company named below or from SQS


Valbopan  Fibras de Madeira SA
Quinta do Castelo
PT-2450-025 Famalicão da Nazaré

Certified area

Whole company

ment Sys ge te aMDF boards n

© 1996 Forest Stewardship Council A.C.
This certificate is the property of SQS.
All certificates and copies thereof must be returned to SQS immediately on request.




Valchromat boards


ertified M

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Valchromat ISO9001 Certificate
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Certificado de Conformidade Cerlificate of Registration PT07/01999 o Sistema de Gestão da Organização VALBOPAN - Fibras de Madeira, S.A. Quinta Castelo 2450-027 FAMALlCÃO DA NAZARÉ em Lisboa e Escritórios SGS foi auditado e cumpre com os requisitos da norma NP EN ISO 9001 :2008 Pelas actividades de: Fabricação de Aglomerados de Fibras de Madeira por Processo Seco (MDF.HLS· VALCHROMAT). Este certificado é valido desde This cerlificate is valid from 29 de Março de 2011 até 14...

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