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Mounting instructions Instruction de montage Montagehandleiding

Menai E


C 60



B = height - hauteur - hoogte C = lenght - longueur - lengte

Dimensions / Afmetingen in / en mm weight poids gewicht output puissance vermogen

type ME300700EL ME300980EL ME3001180EL ME3001420EL ME3001940EL ME3002340EL ME500420EL ME500620EL ME500780EL ME500900EL ME5001180EL ME5001420EL

B 300 300 300 300 300 300 500 500 500 500 500 500

C 700 980 1180 1420 1940 2340 420 620 780 900 1180 1420


12,00 17,00 21,00 25,00 33,00 39,00 10,00 16,00 21,00 24,00 32,00 38,00

500 800 1000 1200 1600 2000 500 800 1000 1200 1600 2000
stock Radson



Electrical appliance

The electrical appliance is conform to the standards EN 60.335-1 and 60.335-2-30. The heating appliances are double insulated - Class II and splash resistant. The appliances also comply with European directive 2004/108/EC (CE Marking on all appliances).

· The appliances must be positioned according to the standards in force in that regard. · The appliance may be positioned in volume 2 of the bathroom, insofar as no operating controls (button, switch, etc.) are in reach of persons in the bath or under the shower. · The bottom of the control must be a minimum of 150 mm above floor level. · The appliance must be positioned a minimum of 50 mm from the wall and not be located underneath an electric socket. WARNING: For the safety of young children it is advisable to position the appliance in such a way that the lowest heated part is a minimum of 600 mm above floor level.


· According to the standards in force a separating omnipolar switch must be provided. The distance between the contacts will be a minimum of 3 mm. · If the appliance is installed in a bathroom or shower room it must be safeguarded with a differential switch with a maximum of 30 mA. · When disposing of this appliance, the heat conducting fluid must be removed by certified subcontractors (not applicable for the models Likoma E, Amirante E and Cosmoledo E).


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