
Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

The Forms of Warmth
Tulikivi Fireplaces, Bakeovens and Stoves 2005-2006

Stone with Soul.

Three Billion Years in the Making
The Tulikivi Group motto, theme and slogan are contained in the words "Stone with Soul". Tulikivi products are a companion for life. Our fireplaces generate concrete warmth and create a warm atmosphere, while our architectural stone products allow for countless, personalized interior decoration solutions for all types of homes. Tulikivi Group is a family business specialized in stone processing, located in northern Karelia, Finland. Tulikivi became a pioneer in the soapstone industry more than twenty years ago by reviving the industry in the town of Juuka, where it had remained dormant for decades. The raw material used in the manufacture of heat-retaining fireplaces is a unique natural stone formed some three billion years ago. We are proud of our traditions, and we will continue to expand our product range and develop our products even further. The popularity of our products is based on a superior raw material, high quality and good customer service. Tulikivi has manufactured more than 200,000 fireplaces. The Group is among the five largest stone product manufacturers in Europe and it is the largest manufacturer of industrially produced heat-retaining fireplaces in the world. In addition to soapstone, we also process granite, marble and serpentinite. Tulikivi is a publicly-listed company with operations in over 15 countries and its personnel consists of approximately 550 employees.

A Long-standing Fireplace Tradition
Tulikivi is a manufacturer of carefully crafted high-quality fireplaces, fireplace bakeovens, customized fireplaces, stoves and sauna stoves, in which modern technology meets ancient inventions: fire and the best traditions of stone masonry. We continuously strive to make our fireplaces even more attractive, energy-efficient and environmentally friendly. Tulikivi fireplaces are associated with several long-standing values which we do not want to change. However, enduring traditions can be used as a foundation for the further improvement of products in accordance with new requirements and in anticipation of future demands.

Natural Stone from Floor to Ceiling
Our family business has expanded its fireplace manufacturing operations to include architectural stone products. We use genuine, highly valued natural stone to make anything from sauna floor surfaces to bathroom walls. Owing to the wide range of materials at our disposal, we can create versatile environments using natural stone materials, making use of a variety of different techniques. The Tulikivi philosophy is carved in stone. Our principles, which emphasize excellent customer service and quality, apply to all of our six production facilities, our showrooms and our sales offices around the world.

Reijo Vauhkonen

Carve Your Own Story in Stone
Tulikivi gives you the freedom to choose and the opportunity to express your personality through the choices that you make. You can vary your chosen fireplace theme by selecting different surface treatments, sandblasting techniques or intarsia inlays. You can also accentuate the unique appearance of your fireplace by placing benches, shelves or decorations around the fireplace or by selecting floor or wall tiling to complement it. You can also enhance the appearance of your fireplace using the new processed soapstone materials. Tulikivi Sky has a soft, cloudy appearance while Tulikivi Blue is a darker, blue-toned soapstone. Like Tulikivi Classic, Tulikivi Sky and Tulikivi Blue are efficient heat retainers and heat conductors, which make them ideal fireplace materials. These stone types are, however, equally adaptable for use as floor and wall surfacing materials. Soapstone tiles are ideal for use in bathrooms, as soapstone is not slippery even when wet. Natural stone is an attractive and elegant material, but it is also a low-maintenance, durable and versatile material. The use of natural stone materials as a basis for interior decoration solutions allows for the creation of an elegant and serene atmosphere.

Tulikivi's stone foundation.

6 8 14 32 37 40 42 44 52 56 60 62 64

Modern European design.

Only the best become classics.

A real treat for a gourmet.

Country romance of today.

Tulikivi fireplaces radiate a pleasant warmth.

Tulikivi fireplaces can also be heated electrically.

Choose a fireplace that reflects your individual style.

Decorations and tiles

Dans la boutique

Tulikivi Oyj Tel.: + 358 403 063 100 VAT-number: FI 03500801 ...
Tulikivi Oyj Tel.: + 358 403 063 100 VAT-number: FI 03500801 ...
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