sst ppu kitzbuehel en

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© Chamois-Logo-Design:

Alfons Walde 1933/VBK Wien

Build Customer Loyalty
Success Story: Kitzbühel pay-per-use with Kitz Ski & More
Kitzbühel, known as the birthplace of skiing, has hosted ski competitions regularly since 1895 and for decades it has been home to the most important international race in the world cup winter season. New in Kitzbühel: pay-per-use with the Kitz Ski & More member card. The benefit is clear: Operators obtain valuable customer data, and customers pay only for what they use and take advantage of special offers. This service is sure to keep customers coming back.

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Christoph Hirnschall (Bergbahnen AG Kitzbühel, Leiter Marketing & Kommunikation)

,,We share a partnership of many years with Skidata. The pay-per-use system with its new options for building client loyalty impressed us once again: The Kitz Ski & More Card provides customers with more flexibility and greater convenience. This means lower marketing expenses and easier administration for the Kitzbühel cable car."

Kitzbühel is a destination for visitors from around the world. Kitzbühel AG Bergbahn includes the Aquarena swimming center, the Pengelstein restaurant, the Cable Car Museum, and the Hochkitzbühel restaurant.

Implement this tool to build customer loyalty and encourage visitors to register on the homepage of Bergbahn AG Kitzbühel with personal data, thus laying the foundation for targeted marketing activities.

SKIDATA pay-per-use in operation and a personalized area provided to the visitor on the homepage of BAG Kitzbühel. Integrated as exclusive club card in the Kitz Ski & More card. The services are billed automatically according to usage.

The Kitz Ski & More card provides operators with valuable customer data and offers customers maximum flexibility. Members enjoy discounts and become loyal customers who return time and again.

Club Advantage Operators benefit in many ways: They obtain valuable data and build customer loyalty. For instance, why would customers use ticket windows when their member card with pay-per-use enables them to take advantage of special offers, discounts and fast access to their favorite ski resort? Customers pay for the units they use and additional services via credit card. Sales are immediately credited to operator accounts, which reduces the workload on staff at registers and allows more time for customer service. With pay-per-use, operators can also reach out more actively to customers via newsletters and convenient feedback opportunities for customers. And pay-per-use is not limited to skiing ­ partnering arrangements with facilities such as swimming pools can also be incorporated in the solution. Kitz Ski & More Card In Kitzbühel the Kitz Ski & More card provides maximum flexibility. The card ­ depending on the scaling of the day pass ­ can be used flexibly throughout the day and always at the best price. The usage units defined by the operator are charged automatically. Detailed statements sent automatically enable customers to monitor their

expenses accurately. An e-mail is sent each time the card is used. The Kitz Ski & More card provides winter sports enthusiasts with further benefits such as a 50% discount on tickets to Aquarena indoor pools as well as savings on ski service and rentals and selected restaurants. Cardholders ski for free on the last day of the season. Special features · Operators obtain valuable data and build customer loyalty. · Customers pay only for what they actually use and do so conveniently and with ease. · Help partners make offerings more attractive. · Collect and redeem points with the member card.

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