12112008-publication group-Crescendo 6-uk

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

Number 6

November 2008

Sustainable construction

Concrete: inherently green

06 12 14
Concrete: Inherently green Qingyun Ma: Architecture, breaking new ground Sudhir Jambhekar: Designing green giants

BRUNO LAFONT Chairman and CEO of Lafarge


18 24 28 32
Aggregates & Concrete, a winning strategy Ductal®, a technical and esthetic concrete Eastern Europe: The new order Plasterboard, endlessly recyclable

36 38 40 42 44
© FXFOWLE International

Ongoing commitment to innovation and conservation

Fighting malaria Reconversions that change lifestyles Rebuilding under way in Sichuan MascreteTM Pro: When cement rises out of the ashes Concrete plants: Hives of activity


n today's more uncertain economic context, our strategy and values are assets that make a difference. Over the past few years, we have increased our growth in emerging markets, with a concern for assisting their development by responding as best as possible to their huge need for infrastructures, housing, office space and public facilities. In these markets, the demographic upsurge is very strong, giving rise to a tremendous demand in the construction sector. Here, as elsewhere, concrete offers the best solution to meet the challenges of responsible growth. With this in mind, we have intensified our Cement and Aggregates & Concrete activities in several regions: Eastern Europe, Africa, Asia, the Middle East... inspired, in each case, by a concern for the environment, the quality of our products, workforce training and respect for local communities. We apply the same standards and the same policy of excellence everywhere in the world. Accompanying a world on the move is our key guideline. It also inspires our innovation strategy. At the time of the battle against climate change and the need to design energy-efficient buildings, concrete opens up unsuspected possibilities in answer to these issues. More than ever before, we are innovating to differentiate ourselves, to add value for our customers and to contribute to sustainable construction methods. However, our commitment extends beyond our core business, as is shown in some of the articles in this edition of Crescendo. You will find out about the programs developed by Lafarge in Africa to fight against malaria, rehabilitation projects in Jordan and the support given to rebuilding schemes after the earthquake in China. You will also read how, in a single project, the Group contributes to the spread of world cultures, the preservation of national heritage and contemporary architecture, through its partnership with the Louvre Museum in the construction of the future Department of the Arts of Islam...








© Jacques Grison

Dans la boutique

Lafarge-dossier presse fete nature mai 2010-fr
Lafarge-dossier presse fete nature mai 2010-fr
09/04/2011 - www.lafarge.com
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09/04/2011 - www.lafarge.com
Number 6 November 2008 Sustainable construction Concrete: inherently green EXPLORING A WORLD ON THE MOVE 06 12 14 Concrete: Inherently green Qingyun Ma: Architecture, breaking new ground Sudhir Jambhekar: Designing green giants BRUNO LAFONT Chairman and CEO of Lafarge i MOVING FORWARD IN OUR BUSINESSES 18 24 28 32 Aggregates & Concrete, a winning strategy Ductal®, a technical and esthetic concrete Eastern Europe: The new order Plasterboard, endlessly recyclable CONTRIBUTING TO A SUSTAINABLE...

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09/04/2011 - www.lafarge.com
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05/06/2014 - www.n-schilling.com
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25/11/2010 - www.n-schilling.com
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