The Queen's awards for enterprise in international trade 2008 presentaton ceremony

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The Queen's awards for enterprise in international trade 2008 presentation ceremony


A ceremony was held on September 4th 2008 at the Belle factory in Sheen where the Company was presented with the highly coveted Queen's Award for Enterprise in International Trade 2008 by James Hawley, Her Majesty's Lord-Lieutenant of Staffordshire. Senior Council members, the Local MP and VIP customers from many of the blue chip UK plc companies also attended the ceremony. The award is given in recognition of outstanding achievements accomplished by a UK company in the field of international trade. Managing Director Ray Neilson who was presented with the Award comments, "this is a tremendous reward to the entire workforce, the key-factor in creating the success of the company and to our customers and suppliers/partners who have also been instrumental to this success." Belle Group is a success story in the Construction Industry. The company started in a garden shed in the village of Sheen in the middle of the Peak District and is now involved in the design and manufacture of a comprehensive range of light equipment for the building and construction industries with sales of £52 million in 2007. In an industry where the UK housing market is having difficult times, Belle has managed to hold its market shares in the UK and increased its market shares in regions such as Eastern European and Middle-East countries. Last year, the company grew by 30% and the Export sales grew by 45% reaching over 93 different countries. This trend is continuing and strengthens Belle's strategy to be the "Number One Supplier for Light Construction Equipment". The Belle Group wishes to thanks all the guests who joined Belle for this memorable event. For further information, please call Nicole Segor on: 01298 84074. Belle Group contact 01298 84606 or e-mail:

Press contact
125, rue du Mas de Carbonnier - 34000 Montpellier - France Tel. +33 (0)4 99 64 30 39

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