Aluform perforated aluminium profiles

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

Perforated profiles Acoustic and ball-impact resistant profiles

flexible building. sustainable thinking.


Perforated profiles

Aluform sinusoidal profile 18/76

Aluform sinusoidal profile 55/177

Aluform trapezoidal profile 29/124

Aluform trapezoidal profile 45/150

Individually design facades and rooms with light, transparency and airiness.

For individual and visually exceptional design solutions, Aluform perforated sheets can preferentially be used for interior decoration or exterior design.

Areas of application: as a means of design for interior decoration and external design in the field of acoustics for the lowering of the noise level inside the room

With this in mind, our standard program comprises a broad selection of profile variants. In addition to Aluform corrugated profiles, trapezoidal profiles and the Siding wall panels, also special roof profiles like ALUDECK and ALUFALZ can be processed as perforated sheet profiles. With regard to the interplay of room, colouring, and profile design, perforated aluminium profiles offer a creative spectrum for an innovative architectural design. The surface of the profiles is available in mill finish smooth and in the colour silvermetallic (SP). On request, the individual surface refinement of the aluminium profiles is possible in various colours and effect coatings. As standard, the trapezoidal and sinusoidal profiles are available with a material thickness of 0.8 mm in H 16/46 in two hole patterns: Rv 3 ­ 5 with a hole percentage of 32.7 % Rv 5 ­ 8 with a hole percentage of 35.4 % Other hole patterns are possible on request.



Perforated profiles


Alufalz seam profile

Aludeck cover profile

t w


Rv 2 ­ 3,5

Rv 3 ­ 5



Round hole perforation

Dans la boutique

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