Aluform corporate broschure

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Architecture in its be st form.

Aluform systems stand for many years of experience and quality work regarding the production of first-class aluminium profile facades and aluminium profile roofs. Visions and ideas for individual facades set the benchmark for us. Our employees are persons, who do not only work for our customers but also put their heart and soul into their work. They also understand our customers as partners and make every effort to master new creative challenges.

There are no limits to the fields of application of Aluform profiles. Established uses comprise industrial buildings, for instance power plants, airports and hangars, sports halls, production halls and warehouses, office buildings as well as domestic and municipal buildings. Here, our Aluform products, our Aluform project management and our extensive provision of services in the field of roof and facade construction offer interesting, practical and low-cost solutions.

Constructing with Aluform systems implies architectural freedom and flexibility with regard to forms and colours, and effective handling of resource-conserving and durable material.

Alu profiles for roofs and facades.
The roof is exposed to particularly intensive environmental impact. Here, our aluminium profile roofing is able to bring to bear its particular advantages. Aluform elements have been brought to perfection to fulfil the function of flat angled or steep roof coverings with a length of up to 50 meters in an optimal, safe and solid manner. Our Aluform products ALU-Solar and ALUTherm can be recommended in particular with regard to the generation of energy and efficient heat insulation.

Aluform products are the ideal material to form and design facades individually. The wide range of aluminium profiles, forms and coating possibilities provide every architect with unlimited freedom in designing in order to realise any idea or vision. The variety of trapezoid, corrugated and panel profiled plates as well as sandwich elements offer creative leeway for the design of modern and resource-conserving building designs and inspire venturous architectural drafts with durable, technically efficient solutions in the field of new building and reconstruction.

Aluform stands for qu ality and perfection.

The quality of our products and the satisfaction of our customers is top priority for everything that we do.

No task is too small or too big. ALUFORM resumes the complete project management for the production and assembly of aluminium facades, roofs and ceiling elements ­ all over the world. We produce all necessary products at the factory or on site. It is self-evident that this includes all end and lining plates as well as project and planning services.

ALUFORM offers various services for consultation with regard to planning and construction including the constructional realisation of projects. This includes the determination of allowable distances between supports depending on the bearing strength of the profiled panels and connecting items and the calculation of statistically exceptional cases (cantilever arm calculations). Furthermore, calculations of the wind and snow loads existing on


We were able to achieve the leading market position in Europe by offering low prices, stable high quality, exclusive flexibility, reliability and readiness ­ even under extreme conditions. In all cases where light,


heat-insulating or sound-absorbing aluminium profiles for roof and facade are required, ALUFORM is your powerful partner. High-class coatings and a high variety of colours and forms offer an unbelievably wide range

Mobile roll formers and mobile expanding machines
With our mobile roll formers, we produce aluminium seam profiles in different plate thicknesses ­ flexible and efficient at the project site. This service is complemented by a mobile machine for embossing aluminium seam and aluminium cover profiled panels. With both mobile devices,

the building can be provided. The compilation of key plans and bills of quantities with our CAD planning system is quick and efficient. ALUFORM assumes the entire development of construction suggestions for technical connection details within the frame of complete project management services.


of individual design possibilities.


big and difficult to transport or complicated arcs with several radii or convex and concave forms, respectively, can be produced in one single panel and the transport costs for big, bulky roof and facade form parts can be Our contract manufacturing of customer-specific flashings with own material or material provided by the customer as well as our contract coating of profiled panels with anti-condensation coating, are of particular interest for house builders.


Dans la boutique

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