Certificat E 9997 3

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

CERTIFICATE NO. E-9997 This Certificate consists of 3 pages This is to certify that the

Constant Voltage Charger with type designation(s)

Holder of certificate

Automatismes Energie Electronique Systèmes
Saint Priest Cédex, France is found to comply with Det Norske Veritas' Rules for Classification of Ships, High Speed & Light Craft and Det Norske Veritas' Offshore Standards Application Voltage output Power Temperature class Vibration class Humidity class Enclosure class 110 V DC 1980 / 3300 W B A B A

Place and date Høvik, 2010-04-07 for DET NORSKE VERITAS AS

This Certificate is valid until 2014-06-30

Marit Laumann Head of Section

Local Office DNV Le Havre

Nicolay Horn Surveyor

Notice: This Certificate is subject to terms and conditions overleaf. Any significant change in design or construction may render this Certificate invalid. The validity date relates to the Type Approval Certificate and not to the approval of equipment/systems installed.
If any person suffers loss or damage which is proved to have been caused by any negligent act or omission of Det Norske Veritas, then Det Norske Veritas shall pay compensation to such person for his proved direct loss or damage. However, the compensation shall not exceed an amount equal to ten times the fee charged for the service in question, provided that the maximum compensation shall never exceed USD 2 million.In this provision "Det Norske Veritas" shall mean the Foundation Det Norske Veritas as well as all its subsidiaries, directors, officers, employees, agents and any other acting on behalf of Det Norske Veritas.

Form No.: 20.90a




TEL: (+47) 67 57 99 00


FAX: (+47) 67 57 99 11

Issue: January 98

Page 1 of 3

Cert. No.: E-9997 File No.: 822.20 Job Id: 262.1-005887

Name and place of manufacturer 259 allé Jacques MONOD 69792 Saint PRIEST FRANCE Product description Battery charger in cubicle with battery for switchgear & automation application Including batteries of 12 V lead acid types. Equiped with automatic battery charging current limitation and automatic battery test. Type
CMV 18.110 NS

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