Certificat SMS W II

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Certificate number: SMS.W.II./856/A.0



Summary of the range of the recognition which is detailed in the subsequent page(s): Battery charger assemblies.

This certificate is issued to attest that BUREAU VERITAS has performed, at the above company's request and in compliance with the requirements of NR320, a satisfactory assessment of the manufacturing facilities and associated quality procedures related to the range of the recognition.

This certificate will expire on: 23 Dec 2013
For BUREAU VERITAS, At BV LYON, on 26 Jan 2010, Jean-Claude Chapuis

This certificate remains valid until the date stated above, unless cancelled or revoked, provided the conditions indicated in the subsequent page(s) are complied with. This certificate is issued within the scope of the General Conditions of BUREAU VERITAS Marine Division available on the internet site www.veristar.com. Any Person not a party to the contract pursuant to which this document is delivered may not assert a claim against BUREAU VERITAS for any liability arising out of errors or omissions which may be contained in said document, or for errors of judgement, fault or negligence committed by personnel of the Society or of its Agents in establishment or issuance of this document, and in connection with any activities for which it may provide.

The electronic version is available at: http://www.veristarpm.com/veristarnb/jsp/viewPublicPdfRecognition.jsp?id=xaoca7rlpn BV Mod. Ad.E 697 May 2009 This certificate consists of 2 page(s)

Page 2 / 2 Certificate number: SMS.W.II./856/A.0

Products subject to Bureau Veritas product certificates (IBV products)
App. number 08412/D0 BV Validity date Item designation Type CMV 24 series. Trade name 11 Sep 2014 BATTERY CHARGER ASSEMBLIES - 2898I

The certificates listed in the range of recognition are to be valid. Bureau Veritas is to be informed immediately of any modification to manufacturing facilities and associated quality procedures in order to agree on appropriate actions. AUTOMATISMES ENERGIE ELECTRONIQUE SYSTEMES (AEES) has to apply for the periodical audits as agreed with Bureau Veritas.



The electronic version is available at: http://www.veristarpm.com/veristarnb/jsp/viewPublicPdfRecognition.jsp?id=xaoca7rlpn BV Mod. Ad.E 697 May 2009 This certificate consists of 2 page(s)

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