More about AEES services (pdf file)

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for energy conversion equipments

Service Classes

Specify your requirement to match your needs
If a manufacturer is to respond appropriately to a wide variety of projects, the customer has to specify his requirements in a precise manner. Gimélec members offer to identify the expected level of service on the basis of a generic reference catalogue of Service Classes. At each stage in a project i.e. Proposal, Supply and Operations Monitoring, there is a Service Class allowing the customer to specify appropriately his requirement.

Level of response to the customer's request in terms of a commercial proposal

Commercial proposal for the product according to the manufacturer's General Sales Conditions complementary to informations given in a catalogue or by telephone.


0 1

Provision of supplier qualification documents e.g. Quality manual, report or test procedure. Justification for battery sizing. Standard list of spare parts.

Compliance with the Charter
Each company which signs the Charter is expressly committed to comply with rules for using the collective brand owned by Gimélec. It represents the level of service which the company provides according to the Service Classes described opposite. These allow the customer to accurately define his demand.


Customisedproductdesigns andspecificdocumentation
Customer's specific requirements taken into account in design, documentation and manufacturing planning for product and spare parts.


2 3 4

Customisedstudies oftheoperatingenvironment
Integration of the customer's environment in the definition of designs, specific documentation, planning and product audits.


System approach integrating the audit, design study and proposal and including the Total Cost of Ownership.


The Classes reflect an increasing level of commitment:
0 1 2 3 4 5
Basic services Standard services Customised services Application-related services System-related services Services related to the production unit

Contractual service level required by the customer


Dans la boutique

27/10/2010 -
CARGADOR DE BATERÍA ALIMENTACIÓN REGULADA EN CORRIENTE CONTINUA serie CPN, HP, HPT A U T O M A T I S M E S E N E R G I E E L E C T R O N I Q U E S Y S T E M E S INTRODUCCIÓN AEES, el especialista en la alimentación de seguridad destinada a muchas aplicaciones, proponemos una gama de productos muy amplia.El rectificador-cargador es el elemento común a todos estos sistemas. CARGADOR DE PEQUEÑO CALIBRE para batería estacionaria Seies CE - CN.D - CPN.D/E - CMV Documentación 20039 ALIMENTACIÓN...

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astus habitation - AEES
05/12/2017 -
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Certificat CMV
Certificat CMV
27/10/2010 -
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L E T T R E D ' I N F O R M A T I O N S P R O D U

Plaquette / Brochure
Plaquette / Brochure
27/10/2010 -
CHARGEUR DE BATTERIE (TÉLÉPHONIE/SÉCURITÉ) RECTIFIER BATTERY CHARGER (PABX) Série JUPITER 500 JUPITER 500 Series A U T O M A T I S M E S E N E R G I E E L E C T R O N I Q U E S Y S T E M E S ALIMENTATION A COURANT CONTINU CHARGEUR DE BATTERIE POUR : BAIES TÉLÉPHONIQUES (MOYENNE CAPACITÉ). ÉQUIPEMENTS SENSIBLES (RADIO, PROCESS). Conformité Normes CEM (Directive n° 89/336/CEE) : - faible réjection harmonique, - haute immunité. Appareil très complet avec de très nombreuses fonctionnalités...

stabilisateurs de tension monophasée et triphasée - AEES
stabilisateurs de tension monophasée et triphasée - AEES
05/12/2017 -
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10/03/2012 -
Notice 141NTC110 Ind. 01 DAD S & DAD NS DÉTECTEUR AUTONOME DÉCLENCHEUR NOTICE D'INSTALLATION & D'UTILISATION Ref. DAD S : TYPE I (secouru) Ref. DAD NS : TYPE II (non secouru) PRESENTATION Le DAD (Détecteur Autonome Déclencheur) est utilisé pour commander des organes asservis dans les établissements ne nécessitant pas une installation de détection incendie avec un dispositif central. Le DAD fonctionne en sécurité positive car il commande des organes asservis alimentés en permanence....

Télécharger notre nuancier (Fichier PDF)
Télécharger notre nuancier (Fichier PDF)
10/10/2010 -
NUANCIERS POLYESTER ACCESSOIRE Nuancier NORMBAU Nuancier ALTOR Date Signature et cachet du client Parc industriel de Tabari- BP79147 - 44194 CLISSON CEDEX - FRANCE Tél : (33) 02 40 36 16 67 - Fax :(33) 024036 16 78 - Email : S.A. au capital de 800 000 ¬ - Siret 414 782 987 00013 - NAF 252 E - N°TVA : FR 90 414 762 987