catalogue SECUIRILISSE 16.indd - somain-securite

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

version : 130616

Applications : Pa r a p e t, w a l l.

EN ISO 14 122-3
& NF E 85-015

Mounted offset from a vertical surface: GC-DAD


Other versions

Quick to install
Attractive design
60 mm offset

Finish : raw, anodised or powder-coated
Technical information : Supplied with instructions and drawings.


The SECURILISSE® GC-DAD railing is a collective fall protection system. It is designed for
Material : aluminium roofs inaccessible to the public and is the ideal solution for mounting on a vertical surface.

Available on the internet :
Curved Inclined Foldable

Straight railing with midrail: GC-DAD2

1100 mm

500 mm max
500 mm max

1500 mm max


The SECURILISSE® GC-DAD2 is used for installation against a parapet with a height between 100 mm and 570 mm inclusive.

1500 mm max

100 mm minimum


Dans la boutique

catalogue SECUIRILISSE 16.indd - somain-securite
catalogue SECUIRILISSE 16.indd - somain-securite
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catalogue SECUIRILISSE 16.indd - somain-securite
catalogue SECUIRILISSE 16.indd - somain-securite
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