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Luminaire Code LU4X 3W CL Name LU4X-1000 IP65 17x12V3W CL Line AGABEKOV Efficiency 62.70% 214.66 cd/klm Length Length 0.033000 m2 0.035000 m2 0.001155 m2 Asymmetrical 8.70

Measurement Code CLF1414/05-12I Name LU4X-1000IP65 17x12V5WCLEAR Date 10-03-2005 Coordinate system C-G Position 1000 mm 1000 mm Width Width 35 mm 33 mm

Lamp Code Number Position Total Flux C=0.00 G=35.00 Height Height

XENON 3W CL 12V 17 530.74 lm

Maximum value

Rectangular Luminaire Rectangular Luminous Area Horizontal Luminous Area Emitting area on Plane 0° Emitting area on Plane 90° Symmetry Type Measurement Distance Operator Temperature Humidity Notes Line AGABEKOV C.I.E. F UTE 6/6/6/7/7/7/7/7/7/7/7/7 0.60 H + 0.03 T

37 mm 35 0.035000 m2 0.001155 m2 0.041944 m2 180 659.26 lm 230.00 V 0.00 A PRC 110

Emitting area on Plane 180° Emitting area on Plane 270° Glare area at 76° Maximum Gamma Angle Measurement Flux Source Voltage Source Current Photocell Luminaire Lamps Name XENON RIGID LOOP LAMP 3W CL D DIN 5040 B NBN

AC 25.00 °C 60.00 % XENON 12V 5W Code XENON 3W CL 12V

Flux[lm] 31.22

Pow.[w] 3.0

Qta 17

A31 BZ 5/1.25 / BZ 6

1000mm x 35mm 90 Gamma Angle 180 120

0 180 105 40 105

270 90 C Halfplanes 180.0 90.0 0.0 270.0 75 40 75 90

80 60 60



2.85 59.85 45 160 45

200 30 15 0 15

cd/klm 30


OxyTech Srl

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Photometrics data (PDF)
Photometrics data (PDF)
27/10/2010 -
Luminaire Code LAFX 3W FR Name LAFX-1000 IP20 17x12V3W FR Line AGABEKOV Efficiency 64.02% 210.89 cd/klm Length Length 0.025000 m2 0.025000 m2 0.000625 m2 Asymmetrical 8.70 Measurement Code CLF1414/05-17I Name LAFX-1000 IP20 17x12V 3W FROST Date 03-03-2005 Coordinate system C-G Position 1000 mm 1000 mm Width Width 28 mm 25 mm Lamp Code Number Position Total Flux C=240.00 G=5.00 Height Height XENON 3W OP 12V 17 454.24 lm Maximum value Rectangular Luminaire Rectangular Luminous Area Horizontal...

Photometrics data (PDF)
Photometrics data (PDF)
27/10/2010 -
Luminaire Code LL3 3W FR Name LL3-1000 IP65 17x12V3W FR Line AGABEKOV Efficiency 51.68% 508.15 cd/klm Length Length 0.050000 m2 0.035000 m2 0.001750 m2 Asymmetrical 8.70 Measurement Code CLF1414/05-02I Name LL3-1000 IP65 17X12V3WFROSTED Date 15-03-2005 Coordinate system C-G Position 1000 mm 1000 mm Width Width 53 mm 50 mm Lamp Code Number Position Total Flux C=0.00 G=0.00 Height Height XENON 3W OP 12V 17 454.24 lm Maximum value Rectangular Luminaire Rectangular Luminous Area Horizontal Luminous...

Photometrics data (PDF)
Photometrics data (PDF)
27/10/2010 -
Luminaire Code T5-0630-14W Name T5 FLUO IP 65 0630 14W Line AGABEKOV Efficiency Maximum value 53.48% 271.68 cd/klm Length Length 0.054180 m2 0.000000 m2 0.000000 m2 Measurement Code CLF1414/06-01I Name AGA-T5 Date 26-05-2006 Coordinate system Position 630 mm 630 mm C-G C=0.00 G=0.00 Width Width 549 mm 86 mm Lamp Code T5 14W Daylight 6500K° Number 1 Position Total Flux 1100.00 lm Sym. on planes 0-180 Height Height 65 mm 0 0.000000 m2 0.000000 m2 0.013107 m2 180 1200.00 lm 0.00 V 0.00 A Rectangular...

Photometrics data (PDF)
Photometrics data (PDF)
27/10/2010 -
Luminaire Code LLNAL AB5000K Name LLNAL-1000 AB5000K Line AGABEKOV Efficiency Maximum value 75.21% 1997.90 cd/klm Length Length 0.033250 m2 0.000000 m2 0.000000 m2 Measurement Code LLNAL AB5000K Name Rail LOUVRE NEPTUNE LLN Date 01-00-0098 Coordinate system Position 980 mm 950 mm C-G C=0.00 G=0.00 Width Width 65 mm 35 mm Lamp Code Number Position Total Flux 1 510.00 lm Double Symmetrical Height Height 40 mm 0 0.000000 m2 0.000000 m2 0.008044 m2 90 510.00 lm 0.00 V 0.00 A Rectangular Luminaire...

Photometrics data (PDF)
Photometrics data (PDF)
27/10/2010 -
Luminaire Code LU3X 3W FR-RI Name LU3X-1000 IP20 17x12V3W FR-RI Line AGABEKOV Efficiency 31.75% 126.82 cd/klm Length Length 0.050000 m2 0.025000 m2 0.001250 m2 Asymmetrical 8.70 Measurement Code CLF1414/05-06I Name LU3X-1000 IP20 17X12V8.5WFROST Date 23-03-2005 Coordinate system C-G Position 1000 mm 1000 mm Width Width 52 mm 50 mm Lamp Code Number Position Total Flux C=285.00 G=15.00 Height Height XENON 3W OP 12V 17 454.24 lm Maximum value Rectangular Luminaire Rectangular Luminous Area Horizontal...

Photometrics data (PDF)
Photometrics data (PDF)
27/10/2010 -
Luminaire Code AML T5-1510 80W No Glass Name AML T5-1510 80W ASIM.WITH DFS Line AGABEKOV Efficiency Maximum value 57.03% 328.13 cd/klm Length Length 0.139120 m2 0.000000 m2 0.000000 m2 Asymmetrical 0.00 Measurement Code CLF1414/07-02I Name AML T5-1510 80W ASIM.WITH DFS Date 08-03-2007 Coordinate system Position 1500 mm 1480 mm C-G C=0.00 G=40.00 Width Width 120 mm 94 mm Lamp Code Number Position Total Flux 1 6150.00 lm Asymmetrical Height Height 105 mm 0 0.000000 m2 0.000000 m2 0.033656 m2 90...

Photometrics data (PDF)
Photometrics data (PDF)
27/10/2010 -
Luminaire Code ARL T5-1510 80W No Glass Name ARL T5-1510 80W ASIM.WITH DFS Line AGABEKOV Efficiency Maximum value 57.03% 328.13 cd/klm Length Length 0.139120 m2 0.000000 m2 0.000000 m2 Asymmetrical 0.00 Measurement Code CLF1414/07-02I Name ARL T5-1510 80W ASIM.WITH DFS Date 08-03-2007 Coordinate system Position 1500 mm 1480 mm C-G C=0.00 G=40.00 Width Width 120 mm 94 mm Lamp Code Number Position Total Flux Asymmetrical Height Height 1 6150.00 lm Rectangular Luminaire Rectangular Luminous Area...

Dowload now our new brochure in PDF format
Dowload now our new brochure in PDF format
27/10/2010 -
festoon lamp new generation AGA-LED® A-10 rigid loop connector new generation AGA-LED® A-10 festoon connector SCALE 1:1 new generation AGA-LED® B-10 rigid loop connector ALL PRODUCTS ARE USA, EUROPE AND JAPAN PATENTS xenon rigid loop lamp new generation AGA-LED® B-10 festoon connector 2009 NEW GENERATION AGA-LED® LIGHTING UNITS for more information W W W . A G A B E K O V. C O M ASSIGNMENT table OF THE new generation AGA-LED® LIGHTING UNITS IN THE AGABEKOV LINEaR LIGHTING FIXTURES For...

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